Moses Hull

Moses Hull

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Latest activity by Moses Hull
Moses Hull commented,
Moses Hull commented,
Found a bug in the script. Give me a minute to correct it.  
Moses Hull commented,
$path = "C:\program files\Microsoft RDInfra\Microsoft.RDInfra.Geneva.Installer*"$msifile = Get-childitem $path | select -ExpandProperty Name$program = '"C:\program files\Microsoft RDInfra\'+ $msifi...
Moses Hull created a post,
Pool Host "Needs Attention"
I had a pool host showing in the "Session Host section"  Needs Attentions. I corrected this by running the MSI "Microsoft.RDInfra.Geneva.Installer: in the folder "C:\program files\Microsoft RDInfra...
Moses Hull commented,
Enable RDP Shortpath for Public Networks.
Moses Hull created a post,
VPN - RDP Shortcut Feature - Delayed Typing
I recently discovered that the RDP Shortcut feature was causing delayed typing. The problem is that if you have a Basic VPN to the computer sites that can see the Pool Host Servers it will route th...
Moses Hull created a post,
Schedule removal of host from pool
Sometimes I add a host to a pool so that I can move users to a working pool host because the current one is having issues. This procedure allows me to just have the users log off then back on but s...
Moses Hull created a post,
Restore Details show what was restore
Currently when you do a restore and check the details afterwards it does not show what you restored. Adding this in the details of the restore could be very useful if the engineer selected the wron...
Moses Hull created a post,
De-Activate or Do Not Active when you re-image a single host in a pool
Sometime I need to reimage a single host to test a configuration, but as soon as it comes online it is activate, an those sneaky user jump into the host before I can deactivate it.  As on the host ...
Moses Hull commented,
To show the connection bar user would type CTRL+WINDOWS KEY+HOME.
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