Gregory Barr

Gregory Barr

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Latest activity by Gregory Barr
Gregory Barr commented,
Yes, Bill, you can select the session you want to connect to in ScreenConnect when the agent is installed. The biggest gripe I've got right now with the Asio agent is that they switched from separa...
Gregory Barr created a post,
ConnectWise RMM (Asio) agents - Automate switching to desktop?
I'm scripting the download and install of the ConnectWise RMM (Asio platform) agent when AVD host VMs are created or re-imaged. Several moths ago, ConnectWise changed the installer from separate in...
Gregory Barr commented,
This is the script I use currently to install ConnectWise RMM agent on VM re-image and create. It needs URL to download agent and full path to download to. It will attempt download multiple times s...
Gregory Barr commented,
It would be great to be able to get an alert on FSLogix VHDX size over a threshold. I've been looking today and haven't found a way to do that yet. Only 3 companies in on AVD now and just recently ...
Gregory Barr commented,
Thanks for pointing that out. I was grateful to have that VPN setup in NMM when I made a connection for a customer that is using Azure AD DS, and that experience is what drives my request to have t...
Gregory Barr commented,
Yes, if Nerdio could do the Azure side of the VPN, I feel our team could take that info and configure the onsite end easily, but you're left hopping around to configure the Azure end in the the Azu...
Gregory Barr created a post,
Would like ability to configure site to Azure VPN in account setup wizard
Would like ability to configure site to Azure VPN in account setup wizard. For deployment I've done using existing Active Directory, I had to put off running account add wizard in NMM so that I cou...
Gregory Barr commented,
We started seeing that a few months after getting started with AVD for users that had pinned file to task bar rather than connecting through app. The fix so far has been to delete file and recreate...
Gregory Barr commented,
This is my ConnectWise DPMA install script as it stands right now. It will download the latest version of installer and checks MSI file attribute to check that download is good before installing. #...
Gregory Barr commented,
I'm just starting working on installing RMM agent on image VM. This was shown as a method to apply OS patches using RMM in a session at Nerdiocon. Setting image VM to startup on a schedule to insta...
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