Brian Mock

Brian Mock

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Latest activity by Brian Mock
Brian Mock created a post,
Console Connect
Does the newer "Console Connect" feature cost anything additional?
Brian Mock commented,
Kevin Murray very good - thank you!!
Brian Mock created a post,
Unified Application Management (UAM) - How Are You Using It?
Curious how others are utilizing UAM and how it's been working for you. Trying to reduce the number of commonly deployed apps from being installed in the desktop image and instead installed when a ...
Brian Mock commented,
Agree room for improvement on alerting. Utopia would be PSA integration. 
Brian Mock commented,
Thanks for the help, Marcos. At first it didn't seem to help by adding the "-recursecycle" switch. I added the switch, ran the script during power off/set as image, but the same updates that Nerdio...
Brian Mock created a post,
Update Windows 10 scripted action issues
I've opened a ticket with Nerdio support (through Pax8 reseller) but also wanted to check if anyone else is noticing this issue. We have a monthly power off & set as image task scheduled against th...
Brian Mock created a post,
Install "New" Microsoft Teams scripted action missing WebRTC component
Could we get the "Install Microsoft Teams (New).ps1" scripted action updated to include installation of the Edge WebView2 Runtime? If you run the script as is on a new desktop image, the "new" Team...
Brian Mock commented,
I've started running into this randomly during nightly re-image tasks (not every day) and requires manual intervention.
Brian Mock commented,
Have similar issue posted here. Power off & set as image "run once" - can't change scripts when schedule set – Nerdio Help Center
Brian Mock created a post,
Power off & set as image "run once" - can't change scripts when schedule set
The new feature allowing power off & set as image task to "run once" when an existing schedule is configured is a great improvement but having an issue. When you select the checkbox "I want to run ...
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