Nils Fitschen

Nils Fitschen

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Latest activity by Nils Fitschen
Nils Fitschen commented,
Hi Andrew, I know Microsoft BP are always a good starting point. But sometimes it comes to reality and customer needs where its not even possible to implement all MS BP....  But in your case, maybe...
Nils Fitschen created a post,
Use of Custom Tags for Azure VMs and use these Tags for actions
Hi, a feature which i still missing is the use of custom tags for Create VMs with Nerdio. This is still something we actually need to implement with Azure Policys or other tools. But custom tags ne...
Nils Fitschen commented,
Hi just can agree. We are in discussion with some customers where we start a PoC. So if its not support we would loose that customers to managed with NMM
Nils Fitschen commented,
Hi, we also have in some customer situation where we discussed that topic. We have customer with sensitve data and the want to use these feature.
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