Dylan Cote

Dylan Cote

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Latest activity by Dylan Cote
Dylan Cote commented,
FYI Looks like Microsoft released a fixed WebRTC Redirector: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/whats-new-webrtc I have tested this on only one Win11 Single session machine so ...
Dylan Cote commented,
Peter Yasuda I did uninstall the 7/29 on a live host (which closes Teams for everyone on that host) and then installed the 3/25 to confirm it worked. I found the same actually - thankfully I believ...
Dylan Cote commented,
Incase anyone else has this issue as the "fix" from Microsoft did not make a change for us - we found that the "Remote Desktop Services WebRTC Redirector Service" was updated July 29th We downgrade...
Dylan Cote commented,
We are also running into this issue for Windows 11 Enterprise Multisession, but not seeing adobe slowness in Win 10 Multisession. We install Adobe DC on the image for all clients at the moment. For...
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