Jim Verhulst | Venéco

Jim Verhulst | Venéco

Activity overview

Latest activity by Jim Verhulst | Venéco
Jim Verhulst | Venéco commented,
DStephenson a global setting would be preferred, that way, you can be sure that al the resources are deployed in the specific region or using the same timezone as the MSP using Nerdio. Personal pre...
Jim Verhulst | Venéco created a post,
Global Geo location properties
When adding a new customer to the MSP, we need to select the current time zone for everything. It would make it a lot easier, if there are Global geo location properties, like: Time zone (for al t...
Jim Verhulst | Venéco created a post,
Option to give sysprep arguments
We would like to add sysprep arguments so we can use unattended.xml files. The issue that we are currently facing is that the user defined printer settings are gone after a sysprep. Because the pri...
Jim Verhulst | Venéco commented,
+1 for this option in nerdio.
Jim Verhulst | Venéco created a post,
More API options
We would like more options for the API. There is no servers part at the moment Seeing all backup things, also the one's that aren't protected.
Jim Verhulst | Venéco commented,
It will make monitoring the enviroment a lot easier. Especially if you can directly see, without having to open the workspace analytics: Logon time's; Brokering time's Logon error's; Logon locatio...
Jim Verhulst | Venéco created a post,
Global view extra functions
So we currently have a global view to see al our master images. But you can only execute a script, so we would like extra options such as: Delete; Resize; Machine shutdown, reboot, or start-up. T...
Jim Verhulst | Venéco commented,
Hi Marcos, Do you know when that feature would be in public preview?
Jim Verhulst | Venéco commented,
Hi Marcos, yeah after an NMM update the option was available but before that it wasn't possible to make such selections.
Jim Verhulst | Venéco created a post,
AVD Monitoring
In the current situation we need to enter each customer tenant to check the monitoring part. We would like the option to see that from within the Nerdio Console. These things specific: User per co...
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