Could we get the "Install Microsoft Teams (New).ps1" scripted action updated to include installation of the Edge WebView2 Runtime? If you run the script as is on a new desktop image, the "new" Teams installs fine, but throws an error at launch "We've run into an issue" and prompts to download/install Edge WebView2 Runtime.
Install "New" Microsoft Teams scripted action missing WebRTC component
It looks like someone else (Shannon Fritz) has already written the PowerShell for it that @Nerdio could add to the script.
Get-Updated/Get-UpdatedWebView2.ps1 at main · shannonfritz/Get-Updated (
Maybe we can have it as a separate scripted action and call it from the New Teams scripted action?
That way, it can be used to install WebView2 without needing to install New Teams.
Hey Brian and Dave,
Good catch! I'll see if we can check and install WebView2 as part of the team deployment script. Thanks for the suggestion!
Andy Weidner
Thanks, Andy Weidner!
It looks like Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime is available in the Nerdio Application Catalog (see Unified Application Management: Manage Applications – Nerdio Help Center).
It's not a fix, but it is another bandaid/alternative until the Install Microsoft Teams (New) scripted action is updated.
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