Overview of Host Pools AVD Settings

Overview of Host Pools AVD Settings

Nerdio Manager enables you to customize the host pool's AVD settings.

To configure host pool AVD settings:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to AVD > Host Pools.

  2. Locate the host pool you wish to work with.

  3. From the action menu, select PropertiesAVD.

  4. Enter the following information:.

    • Friendly Name: Type the friendly name that is visible to the end users.

    • Description: Type the description that is visible to the administrators.

      Note: Both the Friendly Name and Description can be changed at any time.

    • Load Balancing: Select the desired load balancing option.

      Note: If auto-scaling is configured for this host pool, you must change the load balancing in the auto-scale settings.

      The load balancing algorithm is used by the AVD Management Service to determine how to route a particular user’s desktop or RemoteApp connection.

      Breadth First means that the load-balancing algorithm spreads the users evenly across all available session hosts.

      Depth First means the load-balancing algorithm places all the users in the first session host until the host's session limit is reached. Only then, does it place the users in the next session host. If necessary, it powers on the VM and makes it available to the users.

      • Session Limit: Type the number of sessions that a single host in the host pool can accept.

    • Validation environment: Select this option designate this host pool as a validation host pool.

      Note: Validation host pools receive service updates at a faster cadence than non-validation host pools, allowing you to test service changes before they are deployed broadly to production.

    • Start VM on connect: The VM is powered on automatically when the user connects. Any user can start the VM when they sign in. See Start VM on Connect for details.

    • Boot Diagnostics Insights: Select the this option to perform boot diagnostics. See Overview of Boot Diagnostic Insights for details.

    • Enable Scheduled AVD Agent Update: Toggle on this option to specify the day and time you want to update the AVD agent.

      • Time Zone: From the drop-down list, select the time zone for the scheduled update.

        Note: Setting the time zone ensures that updates to the session host VMs in the host pool take place at the same time according to the selected time zone, regardless of the session host VM's local time zones. See this Microsoft article for details.

      • Use local session host time zone: Select this option to perform the agent update using the local time zone of each session host VM in the host pool.

        Note: Use this setting when all session host VMs in your host pool, or their assigned users, are in different time zones.

      • Maintenance Window: From the drop-down lists, specify the day and time for the agent update.

        Note: All maintenance windows are two hours long.

      • Set additional maintenance window: Optionally, select this option to specify a second maintenance window.

        Note: Creating two maintenance windows gives the agent components an additional opportunity to update if the first update is unsuccessful.

      • Power on all hosts during window(s): Select this option to ensure that all hosts are powered on at the start of the maintenance window.

        Note: Hosts that are started as part of this process are powered off after 2 hours. Hosts that were already running do not have their power state changed.

      • Exclude Drain mode hosts: Select this option to ensure that all hosts in drain mode are excluded from AVD agent update maintenance activity window.

  5. Once you have entered all the desired information, select Save or Save & close.

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