Overview of Boot Diagnostic Insights
Boot Diagnostic Insights allows you to utilize Azure AI Vision services to analyze if boot screens on virtual machines are bootable.
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Boot Diagnostic Insights leverages Azure AI Vision. To utilize Azure AI services, you need to accept the Azure Responsible AI Notice. See Azure Responsible AI Notice for further information.
Note: Boot Diagnostic Insights is set up at the Account level in Nerdio Manager.
Enable Boot Diagnostic Insights
Boot Diagnostic Insights must be enabled for each Account that wants to use it.
To enable Boot Diagnostic Insights:
At the Account level, navigate to Settings > Integrations.
In the Azure AI tile, next to Boot Diagnostics Insights - AI OCR, select Disabled.
Enter the following information:
Use Boot Diagnostics Insights - AI OCR: Toggle On this option.
Computer Vision Resource: From the drop-down list, select an existing resource, or create a new resource.
Note: If you created a free Computer Vision Resource when accepting the Azure Responsible AI Notice, you can use that resource here.
Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.
Depending on the Azure region and other conditions, deployment of the Azure AI Vision Resources may take some time . You can monitor the task in the Integrations Tasks section.
Use Boot Diagnostic Insights
Boot Diagnostic Insights can be used for backup validation, image validation, on demand validation, and more.
Backup Validation
Boot Diagnostic Insights for Backup Validation requires the Backup Validation Schedule to be enabled on your Backup Policies.
To enable backup validation schedule:
At the Account level, navigate to Settings > Integrations.
In the Backup recovery vaults, policies and assignments tile, select Backup Restore Validation.
On the pop-up confirmation window, select OK.
Select the backup policy you wish to work with.
Be sure the following options are configured correctly:
Backup Validation Schedule: Toggle On this option and enter the desired schedule.
Use Boot Diagnostics Insights: Select this option.
Once you have entered all the required information, select Save.
To view Boot Diagnostic Insights results:
At the Account level, navigate to Backup.
Locate the backup you wish to work with.
Hover over the information in the Last Backup Status column.
Set as Image Validation
Boot Diagnostic Insights Image validation can be utilized when performing a Set as Image on a desktop image.
To perform Set as Image validation:
At the Account level, navigate to Desktop Images.
Locate the desktop image you wish to work with.
If it is powered on, select Power off and set as image. If it is powered off, from the action menu, select Set as image.
Be sure to select Validate image and Use Boot Diagnostic Insights.
Select the other Set as Image as desired.
Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.
Once the Set as Image task has completed, select the Validation Status column for validation and Boot Diagnostic Insights results.
Note: Further details about the Boot Diagnostic Insights information can be found within the Set as Image task details. For example:
On Demand Validation
You may validate a desktop image on demand.
To validate a desktop image on demand:
At the Account level, navigate to Desktop Images.
Locate the desktop image you wish to work with.
From the action menu, select Validate.
Enter the following information:
Use Boot Diagnostic Insights: Select this option.
Schedule: Optionally, toggle On this option and configure the schedule to validate the desktop image as per the schedule.
Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.
Once the validation task has completed, select the Validation Status column for validation and Boot Diagnostic Insights results.
Note: Further details about the Boot Diagnostic Insights information can be found within the Set as Image task details. For example:
Host Pools Validation
Host Pool Boot Diagnostic Insights runs a Host Pool validation task every 30 minutes to verify the host has booted properly. You must enable Boot Diagnostic Insights for the desired host pools.
To enable Boot Diagnostic Insights for a host pool:
At the Account level, navigate to AVD > Host Pools.
Locate the host pool you wish to work with.
From the action menu, select Properties > AVD.
Select Boot Diagnostic Insights.
Note: Boot Diagnostic Insight Results can be found in the Session host boot validation task details. For example:
Costs of Boot Diagnostic Insights
Boot Diagnostic Insights creates an Azure AI Computer Vision resource. Computer vision resources are billed based on the number of transactions completed. For further details on pricing, please see this Microsoft article.
Some Boot Diagnostic Insights tasks rely on validation features, such as Backup or Image Validation. These tasks temporarily create additional resources such as VMs that have their own costs.
Feature Limitations
Boot Diagnostic Insights compares Azure AI Computer Vision responses to a list of known good values to verify if a VM has successfully booted. This list of values is limited, and items such as customized logon screens may change the results. If you believe that a valid boot diagnostic screen is returning an invalid result, please contact Nerdio support via our Help Center. Additional limitations include:
Once enabled, Boot Diagnostic Insights is available for all user roles on the account.
Disabling the feature doesn’t delete Azure resources deployed when the feature was enabled.
Users cannot control the throttling limit per day and/or per month.
This feature is deployed at the Account level.
There is no mechanism for identifying and filtering out false information.
Notification support is limited to applicable validation tasks.
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