Overview of Reports
Nerdio Manager allows you to generate various reports to get critical insights such as a list of users, their desktop assignments, login activity, estimated vs actual costs, etc.
The following reports are available:
Usage (MSP level): The host pools usage report.
Users (Account level): The list of users.
Login activity (Account level): The last login times of desktop users. This helps identify inactive users.
Estimated vs. Deployed (Account level): This generate a report that shows the discrepancy (or match) between what you had in the Cost Estimator versus what you have actually set up in an account. See What is the "Estimated vs Deployed" Report? for details.
Change management (Account level): The tasks submitted for approval using the approval workflow.
Unused resources (Account level): The notification for unused resources.
To work with a report:
At the MSP or Account level, navigate to Reports.
These are the Account-level reports:
Locate the report you wish to work with.
From the action menu, select any of the following:
View: See View a Report below for details.
Run: See Run a Report below for details.
Export to CSV: This exports the report as a CSV to your browser's default download folder.
Schedule: See Schedule a Report below for details.
View a Report
The View option allows you to view the last generated report.
The View option is not available if the report's status is Not Started or Failed. In that case, run the report to make the View option available.
Some reports have selection options. For example, the Login Activity report allows you to select the following:
Run a Report
The Run option allows you to run (generate) a report.
Optionally, type email addresses separated by commas if you want to email the report.
Some reports have selection options. For example, the Unused Resources report allows you to select the following:
Schedule a Report
The Schedule option allows you to run (generate) the report as per a desired schedule.
Select I want to remove current schedule and then select Delete to delete the schedule.
Alternatively, select Stop to discontinue the current schedule.
Optionally, type email addresses separated by commas if you want to email the report.
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