Michel van Eeuwen

Michel van Eeuwen

Activity overview

Latest activity by Michel van Eeuwen
Michel van Eeuwen created a post,
Confidential VM's (CVM)
I'm currently looking into using Confidential VMs in Azure Virtual Desktop. In the NME release notes I found out that it's supported by thi product since v5.6.0 (December 2023). Unfortenately I can...
Michel van Eeuwen commented,
Is there any news about my suggestion? 
Michel van Eeuwen created a post,
Desktop images with Zone Redundant Replication In Azure Compute Gallery
When creating a desktop image in the Azure Compute Gallery using "set as image" function for a desktop image you can choose between "Standard HDD" and "Premium SSD" for the storage account type. Bo...
Michel van Eeuwen commented,
Will this become available with the "Multiple Azure Subscriptions" functionality?
Michel van Eeuwen commented,
Great to find out that this feature is implemented in NMM version 4.6.0. Thanks for you effort to help us make things easier:-)
Michel van Eeuwen commented,
I also experienced missing marketplace images before and had to wait until a next update to get it fixed. It seems that Nerdio has it's own list with available marketplace images. Is it possible to...
Michel van Eeuwen commented,
Thanks for the update Gido Veekens.
Michel van Eeuwen commented,
Hi Jack, Good one. I already posted the same request and talked about it with product management. https://help.nerdio.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/14433903465997-Azure-Files-Zone-Redundancy Best re...
Michel van Eeuwen created a post,
LOG Analytics Workspace in different subscription
After deploying Nerdio to a new subscription a Lpog Analytics Workspace is created and configured to use (settings - integrations - Azure Monitor Insights). It is possible to create you own LAW in ...
Michel van Eeuwen commented,
Great, more reasons to bring this to the backlog ;-)
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