Milan Kurent
Activity overview
Would it help if you activate the error handling and enable cleanup after failure? If I understand correctly, this will remove the temp vm which has been created if it fails. If you want to keep th...
Is there any projected date on when this feature would be shipped into the product? We have now created a runbook indeed which enables the encryption. The runbook is triggered on vm creation at hos...
Hi, we are also looking to enable this setting by default for our deployments. Do you happen to have any idea when this would be shipped into NMM?
Good idea to have it native in the tool. In the meantime you should be able to work around this by using a runbook to assign the identity to the virtual machine(s). This way the system identity wil...
If we would be able to gather that information from the login activity report through the API we could script something to add that information to the MAU count which is available with the invoices...
I am not sure to what the "count" is referring to. I don't think it is providing the active users but I could be wrong? If the api could provide this data (overview of host pools per customer with ...
NMM Feature Request: API - Ability To Get Monthly Active Users Per Host Pool
At this moment, we use the built in reporting to get the billing details for our customers and have some manual work to differentiate some values. We want to automate this process using API calls t...
NMM Feature Request: Ability To Copy / Duplicate fslogix rule sets accross host pools
it would be easy to work with if you are able to copy / duplicate existing fslogix rule sets to other host pools.
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