Chris Brannon

Chris Brannon

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Latest activity by Chris Brannon
Chris Brannon commented,
Gido Veekens, similar to Dave's reply regarding inherited variables. We do a lot with customer abbreviations; in most cases, they could be generated by the client's name if additional templating fu...
Chris Brannon commented,
We are definitely on the same page now :) I like the overwrite option because you can essentially reset the assignments; that's why I was saying they should be noted in some way and not just exclud...
Chris Brannon commented,
Yes, it is just an expansion on the allowing BYOD in your screenshot. If you uncheck that today, it disables personally owned but for Windows only.
Chris Brannon commented,
Yes, that!!! :) Since you are coming from a UAM app deployment, it would be nice to go directly to Applications but getting to at least properties is a win.
Chris Brannon created a post,
Group Templates - Add Functionality
The new group template feature is awesome and will be very useful! I would love for it to expand and allow us to assign the template to clients. This way, we can create standardized groups across o...
Chris Brannon commented,
It might be easier to reproduce what I am talking about to understand the FR better. In NMM, go to a Policy or Solution Baseline with an assigned customer account. Click on the "Assign" button and...
Chris Brannon commented,
Today, we have already created and deployed app protection policies (MAM) from Nerdio. We are looking to further control the device type restriction (your screenshot) to prevent a user from enrolli...
Chris Brannon commented,
That is useful and would be a nice value add, but I was referring to the other direction. From the UAM Deployment Status page, clicking on the device name takes you to the Intune portal. It would b...
Chris Brannon created a post,
Intune UAM Deployment Status Device Deep Link
Clicking on a device name under UAM Deployment Status brings you to the Intune portal. It would be helpful to have a deep link to the NMM Intune → Devices → Device Properties modal to see the appli...
Chris Brannon created a post,
Expand Intune Solution Baseline BYOD - All Platforms
Today, the solution baseline setting for BYOD only controls the Windows platform. Expanding this to Android, IOS, and macOS would be extremely beneficial. We want to prevent users from enrolling th...
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