David Lafferty

David Lafferty

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Latest activity by David Lafferty
David Lafferty commented,
ONEDRIVE Issue Symptoms Every time I create a new user in Azure Virtual Desktop. OneDrive Does NOT sign in. When I click on sign in on the OneDrive App. I input the new users Email Address. OneDriv...
David Lafferty commented,
The issues with Office 365 constantly asking for Credentials I spend alot of time (I stress alot of TIME). I found it was a issue with Conditional Access (CA) NOT having a static IP Address. I need...
David Lafferty commented,
That is when i too had to setup TCP in Group Policy it had less issue but still had enough. As shown here
David Lafferty commented,
Steve Hopler This was back in May with RDP Short path Enabled which was the default when i setup my client back in March 2023 in Azure. That is when Microsoft Suggest to update the FSlogix.  They h...
David Lafferty commented,
Im also told to keep Remote Desktop App up to date. I do that. FSlogix up to date is that.  The lasted FSlogix update caused issue inside user AVD their office 365 to break and ask for credentials ...
David Lafferty commented,
RDP Shortpath was setup by default when i first deployed the session hosts. I was told by disableing RDP Shortpath because users were getting dropped with RDP Shortpath error in the Azure Analytics...
David Lafferty commented,
I have a Pax8 ticket and with Microsoft. Pax8 just send me links and read gaunlets of information and Microsoft support team they are give me a runaround and a bunch of red tape and nothing is help...
David Lafferty commented,
My client still has issues with random disconnects and dont have a solution at all for this.  I have FSlogix 2210 hotfix 1 2.9.8440.42104 with the latest RDP client app being deployed through Intun...
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