Frequent AVD disconnects

Is anyone experiencing frequent and/or random disconnects while working in Azure?  We have 6 clients using AVD and all have mentioned that they occasionally get kicked off their desktops once or twice a day without reason.  I opened a ticket with Microsoft support who thinks it's a local networking issue.  I disagree since this is happening across multiple locations and in multiple Azure environments.  Per the logs, most of the disconnect reasons are ConnectionFailedClientDisconnect, which says "The network connection between the Windows Virtual Desktop client and the service was unexpectedly interrupted."

Has anyone who has experienced this provide any help?




Comments (17 comments)

Carl Long

Hi Steve


Hopefully some members of the partner community will be able to provide some of their own specific details regarding disconnects and how they have resolved them.  I can recommend the networking/connectivity section of this guide here -   Item 4.   Specifically, looking for specific packet loss when the disconnects occur or looking for any relative information at the firewall/routing level.   


Hopefully you find a resolution that works and please post those results here.


Good luck!




Steve Hopler

I have resolved the problem with the disconnections.  The release notes for Remote Desktop version 1.2.2925 (3/8/2022) says "Fixed an issue where background updates could close active remote connections."  After upgrading all clients to that version, the problem no longer exists.



Nerdio Virtuoso

Nice find Steve Hopler !!!!

David Lafferty

My client still has issues with random disconnects and dont have a solution at all for this.  I have FSlogix 2210 hotfix 1 2.9.8440.42104 with the latest RDP client app being deployed through Intune. I have the lastest up to date on all that ive been reading about these Errors. But Still users get dropped from time to time out of the blue. Basically im tired of hearing about all the time. I dont know what to do to fix the issue. Here is an example of the errors in this screenshot.

David Lafferty

I have a Pax8 ticket and with Microsoft. Pax8 just send me links and read gaunlets of information and Microsoft support team they are give me a runaround and a bunch of red tape and nothing is helping me to solve these issues.  Its geting to a point to where its starting to affect my mental health and im almost wanting to go back to Physical Server environments.

Steve Hopler

The AVD client update never fully solved the problem, and we still have multiple clients who say they get disconnected every day.  Setting up RDP ShortPath (for private networks) made the single biggest difference.  There is RDP ShortPath for public networks as well, but I believe Microsoft enabled that by default across the board.  If you are not familiar with it, it connects you to the session host via UDP instead of TCP.  You can check from the blue connection bar by clicking on the signal bars and seeing if it’s set to UDP. 

What if anything have you done to troubleshoot?  

David Lafferty

RDP Shortpath was setup by default when i first deployed the session hosts. I was told by disableing RDP Shortpath because users were getting dropped with RDP Shortpath error in the Azure Analytics.  So It currently configured for TCP connections via Group Policy. But that never really resolved the issue either.  Im stuck between a rock and a hardplace. Both FAIL.  Microsoft if not helping at all. And im hearing my client sufer form this even today i got a user who teams me that they just go drop today.  I just dont know what else to do anymore. Pax 8 that dont help me eaither they just end me links to Microsot DOCs. As a MSP we are alone.

David Lafferty

Im also told to keep Remote Desktop App up to date. I do that. FSlogix up to date is that.  The lasted FSlogix update caused issue inside user AVD their office 365 to break and ask for credentials and MFA all the time.  But I belive i have a fix for that which is to configure the vNet with NAT Gateway so i can get a static IP and put that static IP in Conditinal Access Location IP Exclustions. Clients were complaining about, Well why do i constanly  have to enter my password and MFA to open Outlook, Teams, ONEDRIVE when im in my Azure Desktop  David?!"  Im going to setup NAT Gateway after users leave today.  But going back to the Azure Drops I dont know what else to do. Micrsoft is not going to help us. 

Nerdio Virtuoso

David Lafferty have the AVD drops/disconnects been isolated to the same physical office/network?  If so, I would start at that layer with the network/ISP being reviewed.  A good test that we suggest here at Nerdio is logging in from your location with a test account and leaving this connected.  You'll want to see if your connection drops at the same time users report it.  This can help confirm if it is something specific to their location.  

Steve Hopler

I'd set RDP ShortPath back up.  UDP can take more packet loss than TCP.  In my case my clients still have disconnects on UDP, but they are a fraction of what they were on TCP.

Regarding FSLogix, There was a bug in version 2210 where it would not save credentials.  I rolled back all clients to FSLogix 2201 hotfix 2.  I now see there is a 2210 hotfix 1 out, but I am not sure if Microsoft fixed the credential issue.


Richard Hawkins

We experienced the same issue about a year ago with a client that was getting disconnected multiple times a day. I opened tickets with Microsoft and spent over a month trying to determine the cause. RDP ShortPath made no difference. Then from one day to the next the issue seems to resolve itself. We started tracking when and where the issue was occurring.  Over the past year we have had several times that the client has noticed the same behavior and, in those cases, updating the Remote Desktop to the latest version has helped. Tracking users and how/when they connect did reveal some issues. Several users working remote on a 3G hotspots. We had to explain to one user that connecting to AVD with a built-in LTE connection and then driving north on I-95 to Washington is not a connection that we can guarantee, and multiple disconnections would be expected in that scenario. The most important thing we have done to solve this issue is to remove Dell Optimizer and HP Optimizer from any computer having disconnect issues. Removing this bloatware, keeping the Remote Desktop client and setting expectations for 3G connections has soothed the client.


Steve Hopler there is a registry key we used that fixed the credentials issue for us.
Chrome not saving passwords Azure Virtual Desktop - Microsoft Q&A
reg add HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\AzureADAccount /v LoadCredKeyFromProfile /t REG_DWORD /d 1) (described HERE)

David Lafferty

Steve Hopler

This was back in May with RDP Short path Enabled which was the default when i setup my client back in March 2023 in Azure. That is when Microsoft Suggest to update the FSlogix.  They had many drops as shown below this is a May Screenshot in highligts

David Lafferty

That is when i too had to setup TCP in Group Policy it had less issue but still had enough. As shown here

Steve Hopler

DStephenson -  The credential issue was more than just Chrome not saving passwords.  Users had to activate Office, login to Outlook, Teams, etc. on every login.  I'll keep that link in mind if it is related and we decide to upgrade FSLogix again.

David Lafferty

The issues with Office 365 constantly asking for Credentials I spend alot of time (I stress alot of TIME). I found it was a issue with Conditional Access (CA) NOT having a static IP Address. I needed to have a Static IP on the vNET. So i installed NATGATEWAY. I was able to get a Static IP so i input that in CA-Named Locations.  Next I created a CA policy within the Conditions-Locations-Exclude ( added that location name of that static IP.  Then Office 365 within the users AVD Session now works without prompting.  Next I had a ONEDRIVE issue. Ill put it in next Comment

David Lafferty

ONEDRIVE Issue Symptoms

Every time I create a new user in Azure Virtual Desktop. OneDrive Does NOT sign in.

When I click on sign in on the OneDrive App. I input the new users Email Address. OneDrive turns blue but never prompts to enter a password. OneDrive just shells out does NOTHING and color turns back to Gray.


NOTE: This was from a Brand-new Install of Windows from the Azure Library Windows 10 922H2 EVD + MS 365 Apps - Gen2 Multi-Session) as I created a New Image Template.

I Found the issue: Appears Default Registry Key below is the cause of the issue.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive" /v "SilentAccountConfig" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

When i changed the SilentAccountConfig in Windows Registry from 1 to 0
Now the behavior was able to prompt for the username and Password and ONEDRIVE now works perfectly.

This is a Microsoft issue that needs to be fixed on their Azure Gallery. Seems like it broken for a Successful ONEDRIVE sign on.  Extremely frustrating when MS does this to us.


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