NMM Missing Win11 24H2 Images

I am noticing that creating a Nerdio image from the Azure Library is missing the new 24H2 images. Thus, I am being forced to attempt to create an image from an Azure VM first, and that is more compicated. Is there a way to inject a specific offer ID (from the Azure portal) to deploy the latest 24H2 images with this screen? I don't suspect that 5.4.2 would add them from 5.4.1 but I am open to being told that it would fix it. Thanks.


Comments (5 comments)

Dave Stephenson

I hate to be the "bearer of bad news", but unfortunately, there's not an easy way to inject or pass-through an image into NMM.
Even if you create a 24H2 VM in Azure and then associate it with NMM (see Associate an Existing VM as a Desktop Image? – Nerdio Help Center), NMM doesn't understand that release of Windows, yet, to be able to "Set as Image" or Sysprep it and you'll get an error.

SideNote: I was recently doing some testing on Windows 11 24H2 in NMM and found out about the "Set as Image" error. I also found out, the hard way, how difficult is to try and replicate what NMM does so easily/effortlessly manually in the Azure Portal. (i.e. Create your Desktop Image VM, Shutdown the original VM, Copy the disk from the original VM, Create a VM from that disk copy, Boot the new VM, Sysprep the new VM, Capture the VM as an Image, Delete the copy of the VM)
Nerdio does simplify the AVD process considerably!

I did talk to our Product Team about adding that image type in a future version of NMM, but as of right now, they don't have a firm date (or version number) of when it will be available.
That being said, if you want to manually create a custom W11 24H2 image in Azure, you can then deploy that image to a host pool in NMM.
(I've tested that and confirmed it works!)
However, you won't be able to easily update that image until we add the feature.

Jacob Reinhardt

Dave, thanks for your added insight. I got an answer from support, and they indicated that the product pulls from some kind of Azure endpoint and that this endpoint right now does not list 24H2 either. Technically, there are no version limitations for AVD on W11 Enterprise as per Prerequisites for Azure Virtual Desktop | Microsoft Learn where it says "We support the 64-bit operating systems and SKUs in the following table lists (where supported versions and dates are inline with the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy), along with the licensing methods applicable for each commercial purpose:" 

Your comments about having a set as image error are solid and confirm what we're sayign. Thanks much, we are failing back to 23H2 for now within the Nerdio portal--and as you point out, updating to 24H2 at the right time will be easier with the tools. Thanks agian for the quick reply.

Dave Stephenson

Ahh. Very cool.
I wasn't sure exactly how we pulled the list of images (whether it was a static list or an Azure API Endpoint).  I learned something new today! 🙂

Thanks for understanding and being willing to wait for NMM support of the 24H2 image.
Once we have more info on the 24H2 support, I'll be sure to come and add that information here as a follow-up comment.

Dave Stephenson

It looks like Server 2025 and Windows 11 24H2 are already tentatively planned for v5.6!

Jacob Reinhardt

Good to see!


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