Advanced Search Options

I would love the ability to have complex searching/filtering. For example, when using a global view to view all Intune Compliance Policies for all clients, it would be very helpful to do something like "name -notlike 'Default compliance policy for Android' and source -eq 'local'" - Be it a complex search within the existing search box or a more advanced UI search/filter option. 


Comments (4 comments)

Dave Stephenson

Advanced search does sound like a cool idea.
Are you thinking of this as functionality in the global search or something specific to the Intune/Compliance section?

Chris Brannon

Specific to the view/page you are on but not limited to Conditional Access or Compliance. It would be helpful on many of the pages/views. It is probably less useful for the AVD side of things, but now that we are managing Intune with NMM and doing things at the global level, it would be nice to have the ability to apply more advanced filters/searches. My initial thought came from looking at a global view of all account's compliance policies and wanting to filter out the default Android one.

Dave Stephenson

What you're saying makes a lot of sense.
We have the ability to filter Configuration Profiles (based on OS), but not Compliance policies.
I'm not sure if it was a design decision or a limitation of the Microsoft API, but I have passed it along to our Product team for them to get it in the backlog.

Chris Brannon

Regardless of a Microsoft API limitation, filtering the data returned based on the displayed columns would be nice. Here is another example: we are standardizing with a naming convention for our Intune configuration policies. It would be helpful to do something like "(Name -NotLike '<prefix> -') -and (AccountID -NotEqual <NMM AccountID>) -and (Platform -eq 'Windows')." Essentially returning all Windows policies, not in our MSP tenant, that do not start with "prefix - ". Some of this can be done today with the existing filter options. However, expanding that to let us filter even deeper based on the existing columns would be super helpful. Thanks for taking the feedback to the product team :).


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