Power off & set as image "run once" - can't change scripts when schedule set

The new feature allowing power off & set as image task to "run once" when an existing schedule is configured is a great improvement but having an issue. When you select the checkbox "I want to run this task once", you can't disable or change the scripted actions that are configured in the schedule, so if numerous scripts were set in the schedule, that you don't want to run, you have to delete the schedule, which defeats the purpose of run once option. 

We have monthly desktop image update tasks configured that have several scripted actions set (update Windows, Office, Adobe reader, etc). When a technician logs into Nerdio to run a power off/set as image after updating a client app in the image, they have to sit and wait for all those scripted actions to run, or delete the schedule (which we don't want as they forget to setup the schedule again).


Comments (3 comments)


Excellent idea!

It'd be nice to use the same logic for scheduled scripts.
Occasionally, it's nice to be able to schedule a scripted action against a host, but also be able to run a scripted action on-demand.
Right now, you're not able to run a scripted action on a host (or host group) if you already have a different scripted action already scheduled.

Ryan Dorman

Came here to post this!  Would love a third option of "Run Ad Hoc" (or something to that effect) allowing you to customize the run now without altering the schedule.

Gido Veekens

Thanks Brian Mock, DStephenson and Ryan Dorman. All makes good sense. I've raised the priority for offer the capability to:

1) Edit scheduled Scripted Actions

2) Run a different set of ad-hoc Scripted Actions when a schedule is in place


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