Overview of Exchange Online Management

Overview of Exchange Online Management

Nerdio Manager allows you to manage Exchange Online users directly from the Nerdio Manager interface. In addition, you may also manage quarantined emails.

Enable Exchange Online at the Account Level

To use the Exchange Online management feature, you must enable Exchange Online at the account level.

To enable Exchange Online at the account level:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to SettingsIntegrations.

  2. In the Exchange Online tile, select Disabled.

  3. When prompted, confirm your action.

    The Exchange Online menu options are now available for this account.

Manage Exchange Online Mailbox Properties

Nerdio Manager allows you to manage Exchange Online mailbox properties.

To manage Exchange Online mailbox properties:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to Exchange OnlineMailboxes.

  2. Locate the mailbox you wish to work with and select Properties.

  3. Manage the following properties:

    • Email addresses: Select Manage to edit the current email address. In addition, you can add, edit, and delete additional email addresses.

    • Type: Select Convert to Shared mailbox to convert the mailbox from a regular to a shared mailbox.

    • Hide from global address list (GAL): Select Edit to toggle this option On/Off.

    • Delegation: Send as: Select Edit to select the delegates to be granted send as permission for this mailbox.

    • Delegation: Send on behalf of: Select Edit to select the delegates to be granted send on behalf of permission for this mailbox.

    • Delegation: Read and manage (Full Access): Select Edit to select the delegates to be granted full access permissions to this mailbox.

    • Email forwarding: Select Manage to configure the email forwarding for this mailbox.

    • Other: Automatic replies: Select Manage to configure the automatic replies for this mailbox.

    • Other: Mailbox archive: Select Manage to configure the mailbox archive for this mailbox.

    • Other: Litigation hold: Select Manage to configure the litigation hold for this mailbox.

  4. Once you have made the desired changes, select Save or Save & close.

Manage Exchange Online Quarantine

Nerdio Manager allows you to manage Exchange Online quarantine. These are emails and file attachments that have been quarantined based on your Exchange Online Protection and Defender for Office 365 settings.

To manage Exchange Online quarantine:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to Exchange OnlineQuarantine.

  2. Locate the quarantined item you wish to work with and select Release.

  3. Enter the following information:

    • Release email to recipients inboxes: Select the desired option to release to all recipients or selected recipients.

    • Send a copy of this message to other recipients: Select this option, and select the recipients, to send a copy to other recipients.

  4. Once you have entered the desired information, select Release.

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