What are AVD application groups?

What are AVD application groups?

This article provides a high-level overview of what application groups are, what they’re used for, and why they’re critical to AVDs.

Application groups (or app groups) allow assigning users and groups to Desktops and RemoteApps. For this, there must be at least one app group associated with a host pool.

Once you have app group(s) set up, you can assign users to them. Once assigned, the users can access their RemoteApps or Remote Desktops after they sign in to their Windows App or Remote Desktop App.

Note: You can create multiple RemoteApp app groups but only one Desktop app group.

Do I need to create an app group?

When you select an app group as part of the Add Host Pool wizard in Nerdio Manager, an app group is created automatically.

Can I have multiple app groups?

You can have multiple RemoteApp app groups. However, you can have only one Desktop app group.

Note: Microsoft allows you to set up only one preferred app group type. For details, see Preferred app group type settings enhance user feed display.

If I created a Pooled Desktop but actually needed a RemoteApp Pool, do I need to recreate my host pool?

Luckily, you don't need to recreate your host pool. In Nerdio Manager, you can switch between the two host pool types.

Note: The same principles apply when switching from a RemoteApp Pool to a Desktop Pool.

To switch to a different host pool type:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to AVD > Host Pools.

  2. From the action menu next to the host pool whose type you wish to change, select Manage > App groups.

  3. In the Application groups dialog box, enter the name for RemoteApp app groups, and then press Enter to save the name.

    Note: You must press Enter to save the app group name. Clicking away or performing any other action does not save the changes.

  4. Next to the Desktop app group name, select the cross icon to delete the app group.

  5. Select OK.

How can I add more RemoteApp app groups?

You can associate multiple RemoteApp app groups with a host pool.

To add more RemoteApp app groups:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to AVD > Host Pools.

  2. From the action menu next to the host pool you wish to work with, select Manage > App groups.

  3. In the new dialog box, in the RemoteApp app groups field, enter the name for a new app group next to an existing app group's name.

  4. Press Enter to save the name.

    Note: You must press Enter to save the app group name. Clicking away or performing any other action does not save the changes.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for any additional app groups, and then select OK.

How do I assign applications to a RemoteApp app group?

Prior to assigning applications to a RemoteApp app group, you need to have a RemoteApp app group added (see How can I add more RemoteApp app groups?) and at least one running host in your host pool.

To assign applications to a RemoteApp app group:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to AVD > Host Pools.

  2. From the action menu next to the host pool you wish to work with, select Applications > RemoteApps.

  3. On the Remote applications page, select Add RemoteApp.

    Note: If you have multiple RemoteApp app groups, first ensure you have selected the correct app group.

  4. In the Publish application dialog box, from the Application drop-down menu, select the needed application.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for any additional remote apps.

How do I assign users to an app group?

Once you have created your RemoteApp app groups and assigned applications to them, the next step is to assign users to those app groups.

To assign users to an app group:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to AVD > Host Pools.

  2. From the action menu next to the host pool you wish to work with, select Manage > Users and Groups.

  3. On the Manage assignments page, in the Search for users or groups... field, search for the user or group that you want to assign.

    Note: Group assignments are preferred because when users are added to those groups, they are automatically enrolled in the assignments.

  4. In the field below, select your RemoteApp app group.

    You can leave <ALL APP GROUPS> selected if you want to assign the user(s) or group(s) to all of the current and future app groups.

    Note: If you have only one app group, that group is automatically selected, and you shouldn't see the app group drop-down menu.

  5. From the list below, select the user(s) or group(s) that you want to assign.

  6. Select Assign.

  7. Repeat steps 2-6 for any additional app groups or remote app assignments.

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