Configure a Solution Baseline for Defender for Office 365

Configure a Solution Baseline for Defender for Office 365

Nerdio Manager allows you to configure a solution baseline for Defender for Office 365.

To configure a solution baseline for Defender for Office 365 at the MSP level:

  1. In Nerdio Manager, at the MSP level, navigate to Solution Baselines.

  2. Locate the Defender for Office 365 solution baseline you wish work with.

  3. From the action menu, select Configure baseline.

  4. In the Prerequisites tab, enter the following information: 

    • Optionally, select the edit icons to change the solution baseline's name and/or description.

  5. Once you have entered all the desired information, select Next.

  6. In the Threat Rules tab, enter the following information:

    Note: Be sure to scroll down to view and configure all the available options.

  7. Once you have entered all the desired information, select Next.

  8. In the Quarantine Policy tab, enter the following information:

    Note: Be sure to scroll down to view and configure all the available options.

  9. Once you have entered all the desired information, select Next.

  10. In the Threat Policies tab, enter the following information:

    Note: Be sure to scroll down to view and configure all the available options.

  11. Once you have entered all the desired information, select Next.

  12. In the Summary tab, review the changes.

  13. Set the following options:

    • Process the Solution Baseline for Defender for Office 365 after saving: Select this option to apply the solution baseline to the assigned accounts.

    • Do you want to remove policies that are affected by this change?: If this option is selected, policies from this solution baseline are removed from the tenant if they don't have any other assignments.

  14. Once you have reviewed the changes, select Save & close.

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