Manually Create a Session Host

Manually Create a Session Host

Warning: Nerdio Manager does not install the BgInfo Azure extension during any automation or management process. However, the BgInfo extension may be installed either through a scripted action directly, or unintentionally, as stated in the Azure PowerShell module issues report.

Nerdio Manager enables you to manually create a session host in a host pool.

To manually create a session host in a host pool:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to AVD > Host Pools.

  2. Locate the host pool you wish to work with.

  3. From the action menu, select HostsAdd new.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Run Now or Schedule: Select whether to add the new session host now or as per the schedule specified below.

    • Host Count: Type the number of session hosts to add to the host pool during creation.

    • Host Name: Type the name of the newly added hosts for the Exact name, a Prefix or the Prefix+Pattern.

      • Exact/Prefix/Pattern: From the drop-down list, select whether to use an Exact name, a Prefix, or a Pattern.


        • Exact applies when adding a single host and specifying an exact name. For example, MYADVHOST.

        • Prefix can be used when creating multiple session hosts. The Prefix limit is 10 valid, Windows computer name characters. When using a Prefix, a unique suffix is automatically appended in the format "-xxxx", where xxxx are 4 random alphanumeric characters. For example: AVDHOST-s72h. Do not add a "-" to the Prefix.

        • Pattern can be used to specify an advanced naming convention for new hosts. Pattern characters must be enclosed in {} and can be # (for sequential numbers) and/or ? (for random alphanumeric characters). One # implies numbers from 0 to 9, two #s implies numbers of 0 to 99, etc.

          • Example 1: AVDHOST{###} (AVDHOST000..AVDHOST999).

          • Example 2: AVDHOST-{???} (AVDHOST-d83, AVDHOST-7sl, etc.).

    • Network: From the drop-down list, select the network. The network determines the Azure region of the VM.

    • Desktop Image: From the drop-down list, select the desktop image that is used as the golden image for newly created session hosts.

    • VM Size: From the drop-down, select the VM disk size and type for newly created session hosts.

    • OS Disk: From the drop-down list, select the OS Disk type and size for newly created session hosts.

    • Custom OS Disk Size (GIB): From the drop-down list, select the custom OS Disk size.

    • Resource Group: From the drop-down list, select the resource group to contain the VMs.

    • Do not activate: Select this option to set the new session host in drain mode.

    • Purchase Reserved Instance: Toggle ON this option to purchase a reservation for the same VM size and in the same region as the VM(s) created.

      • Name: Type the reservation name.

      • Term: Select the term.

      • Billing Plan: Select the billing plan.

      • Auto renew: Select this option to automatically renew the reserved instance.

      • License Agreement: Select this option to agree to the license agreement.

    • Schedule: Enter the schedule information to run this job per the schedule.

  5. Once you have entered all the desired information, select Run now (not scheduled) or Save & close (scheduled).

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