Overview of Logs Module

Overview of Logs Module

The Logs module allows you to access an audit trail of all tasks performed in Nerdio Manager. In addition, you may configure the logs retention policy.

Access the Logs Module

The Logs module allows you to access an audit trail of all tasks performed in Nerdio Manager.

To access the logs module:

  1. At the MSP level, navigate to Logs.

  2. The following information is displayed:

    • Account: The account or blank if it is a the MSP level.

    • Task: The task's name and description.

    • Resource Name: The name of the resource the task was performed on.

    • User: The user who performed the task.

    • Status: The current status of the task.

    • Created: The date and time the task was submitted.

    • Completed: The date and time the task completed.

      Note: The Created and Completed dates are displayed in your local time zone as dictated by your browser.

    • Details: Select Details to view the log entry's details.

  3. Optionally, in Search, type the Resource name you wish to search for.

  4. Optionally, set the desired filters:

    Note: You can start typing the User, Type, or Status to search the respective lists.

    • Filter by Manual and/or Automated: From the drop-down list, select the manual tasks only or manual and automated tasks.

    • Filter by Account: From the drop-down list, select the account(s) to view or only MSP-level tasks.

    • Filter by Types: From the drop-down list, select the type(s) of activities you wish to view.

    • Filter by Status: From the drop-down list, select the job status(es) you wish to view.

    • Filter by Date: Select the date range to view.

  5. In the upper right side, select the refresh icon to refresh the list when desired.

  6. In the upper right side, select the export icon to export the logs in JSON format. The file is downloaded to your browser's default download folder.

    Note: Optionally, when prompted, you can include any requested log bundled in the tasks listed below to be included in the export request.

  7. Optionally, in the column headings use the Up-Down arrows to sort the list.

Configure Logs Retention Policy

You may configure the logs retention policy. That is, you may configure how long to retain the logs, which reduces the database size and the associated costs.

To configure the logs retention policy:

  1. At the MSP level, navigate to Settings > Environment.

  2. In the Database retention tile, select the link next to Log retention period.

  3. Enter the following information:

    • Retention: From the drop-down list, select the retention period.

      Note: Log records older than the specified retention period are automatically deleted.

      • 1 year is 365 days.

      • 1 month is 30 days.

    • Cleanup Schedule: If Retention is not Indefinite, from the drop-down lists select the date and time when the automatic deletion runs.

  4. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

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