Unified Application Management: Manage Shell Apps

Unified Application Management: Manage Shell Apps

Nerdio Manager allows you to manage Unified Application Management shell apps, which are complex applications via PowerShell scripts. This includes the ability to specify custom detection, installation, and uninstall scripts. See Unified Application Management: Shell Apps Overview and Usage for more information.

You may only have one Shell Apps repository at the MSP level and one Shell Apps repository for each account. You may create a new Shell Apps repository or link to an existing Shell Apps repository, at the MSP and account levels, as desired.

Add a Shell Apps Repository

Nerdio Manager allows you to add a Shell Apps repository. This can be done at the MSP or Account level.

To add a Shell Apps repository:

  1. At the MSP or Account level, navigate to SettingsIntegrations.

  2. In the Unified Application Management tile, select Add.

  3. Enter the following information:

    • Repository type: From the drop-down list, select Shell Apps.

    • Resource Group: From the drop-down list, select the resource group.

      Note: The resource group you want to deploy to must be linked to Nerdio Manager.

    • Storage Account: From the drop-down list, select the storage account. Optionally, type the name for a new storage account.

    • Region: From the drop-down list, select the region where the Shell Apps repository resources are to be created.

    • Storage account: Type the name of the storage account.

  4. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

Link a Shell Apps Repository

Nerdio Manager allows you to link a Shell Apps repository. This can be done at the MSP or Account level.

To link a Shell Apps repository:

  1. At the MSP or Account level, navigate to SettingsIntegrations.

  2. In the Unified Application Management tile, select Link.

  3. Enter the following information:

    • Repository type: From the drop-down list, select Shell Apps.

    • Display Name: Type the repository's friendly name.

    • Public repository:

      • Location: Type the URL address of the Winget repository.

      • Auth key: Optionally, provide an authentication key if required.

    • Private repository:

      • Link private repo: From the drop-down list, select the private repository.

  4. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

    The application repository is linked to Nerdio Manager.

Import a new Shell App

Nerdio Manager allows you to import a new shell app application. This can be done at the MSP or Account level.

Tip: In the File, Detection, Install, and Uninstall tabs shown below, you can expand Usage guidance to see more information about how to use the scripts.

To import a new shell app applications:

  1. At the MSP or Account level, navigate to ApplicationsShell Apps.

  2. From the Add action menu, select Add new.

  3. On the General tab, enter the following information in the:

    • Name: Type the application name.

    • Description: Type a short description of the application.

    • Publisher: Type the package's vendor.

    • Public: Toggle this option On to make the application visible on the United Catalog page.

  4. In the Versions tab, enter the following information:

    • Select version: From the drop-down list, select the version.

      • To add a new version, select Add new.

      • To delete a version, from the drop-down list, select the version to be deleted, and select Delete current.

    • General:

      • Name: Specify a Name for this version in the format x.x.x.x. This value must match the values returned by the detection script. This value will dictate the available version label in the UAM policy creation window.

      • Preview: A Preview version will not be seen as the latest by any UAM policies and will not be automatically applied to in-scope pools unless the version is specifically selected. Select this option for testing a new version without disrupting your existing policies.

      • Unzip: If checked, the zip file will be extracted into a temporary folder and the context will be set to that folder. This is only for shell apps with a single version.

    • File:

      • Toggle this option to Yes to select a file to upload.

      • Source: From the drop-down, select New file to upload a new file or select a previously uploaded file from the list.

      • File: Select Choose File to select a new file to upload.

    • Override install: Toggle this option to Yes and enter the script to be executed to install this shell app version.

  5. Enter the following information in the Detection tab:

    • Add detection: From the drop-down list, select the custom criteria for the successful installation detection.


      • You may select any combination of the options in the drop-down list.

      • You may select multiples of any particular option. For example, you can specify multiple files and/or multiple registry keys.

      • Use the delete button to remove a detection criteria.

      • Folder: Specify the folder that must be present to determine that the installation was successful.

      • File: Specify the file that must be present to determine that the installation was successful.

      • Registry Key: Specify the registry key that must be present to determine that the installation was successful.

      • Registry Key and Registry Value: Specify the registry key and value that must be present to determine that the installation was successful.

      • Script: Type the detection script.

  6. Enter the following information in the Install tab:

    • Type the custom script to install the application.

  7. Enter the following information in the Uninstall tab:

    • Type the custom script to uninstall the application.

  8. Once you have entered all the desired information, and there are no yellow warning symbols shown next to the tabs, select Create.

    The application is imported into shell apps.

Import a Shell App from the Nerdio Library

Nerdio Manager allows you to import a preloaded shell app designed by Nerdio. This can be done at the MSP or Account level.

To import a shell app from the Nerdio library:

  1. At the MSP or Account level, navigate to ApplicationsShell Apps.

  2. From the Add action menu, select Add from Nerdio Library.

  3. Enter the following information:

    • Name: From the drop-down list, select the preloaded shell app designed by Nerdio.

      Note: Nerdio Library apps are defined as general templates for actual shell apps. Some actions might be required to create working shell apps from the library app. Be sure to follow the Instructions shown here.

  4. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

Manage Shell Apps

Nerdio Manager allows you to manage shell apps. This includes editing and deleting the apps. This can be done at the MSP or Account level.

To manage shell apps:

  1. At the MSP or Account level, navigate to ApplicationsShell Apps.

  2. Locate the shell app you wish to work with.

  3. Optionally, perform any of the following:

    • Select Edit to change the app.

    • Select Copy to create a copy of the app, which you can modify.

    • Select Delete to delete the app.

Shell Apps Deployment Status

When creating and managing a Shell Apps package, the application can be in one of the following states:

  • Draft: A draft application is still in the process of creation. It could be that the application files are still uploading, or a section of the script is not complete, and the package has not been saved to the Nerdio Manager database. Draft applications move to the Hidden state once these tasks are complete.

  • Hidden: Hidden applications have all sections complete and have been saved to the Nerdio Manager database. Hidden applications must be made public by setting the Public switch to On in the package properties before deployment, which makes the application available in the Unified Catalog.

  • Public: Public applications are available in the Unified Catalog for deployment. Applications in this state cannot be moved back to Hidden if a policy assignment exists. Please remove any policy assignments before hiding the application package. It is recommended that all packages be fully tested before assignment to production desktops.

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