Overview of Intune Policies Recovery Services

Overview of Intune Policies Recovery Services

Nerdio Manager's Recovery Services allows you to restore the following from restore points:

  • Global Policies

  • Global Policy Baselines

  • Global FSLogix Profiles

  • Global RDP Profiles

  • Global Variables

Recovery Services also allows you to manually create restore points, in addition to the automatic daily restore point creation.

Enable Recovery Services

To enable Recovery Services, you must manually create a restore point with a schedule. See Manually Create a Restore Point for details.

Manually Create a Restore Point

Nerdio Manager's Recovery Services automatically creates a restore point once a day. In addition, you may manually create a restore point whenever you want.

To manually create a restore point:

  1. At the MSP level, navigate to Recovery Services.

  2. Select Create restore point.

  3. Enter the following information:

    • Retention in days: Type the number of days to retain the restore point.

    • Description: Type the restore point's description.

    • Schedule: Optionally, toggle this option On to create the restore points as per the specified schedule.

      Note: To enable Recovery Services, you must create a restore point with a schedule.

      • Start date: Type the date to start.

      • Time zone: From the drop-down list, select the time zone for the Start Date.

      • Start time: From the drop-down list, select the time to start.

      • Repeat: From the drop-down list, select whether to run this operation once or repeat it on a recurring schedule.

  4. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

    The restore point creation task starts. You can see the task's progress in the Recovery Service Tasks window.

Perform a Full Restore from a Restore Point

Recovery Services allows you to perform a full restore of items from a restore point.

To perform a full restore from a restore point:

  1. At the MSP level, navigate to Recovery Services.

  2. Locate the restore point you wish to restore.

  3. From the action menu, select Full Restore.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Mode: Select Soft for the new data (for example, new versions, new policies) not to be erased. Select Clean for the new data to be erased.

    • Global Policies: Select this option to restore global policies.

    • Global Policies Baselines: Select this option to restore global policies baselines.

    • Global FSLogix Profiles: Select this option to restore global FSLogix profiles.

    • Global RDP Profiles: Select this option to restore global RDP profiles.

    • Global Variables: Select this option to restore global variables.

  5. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

    The restore task starts. You can see the task's progress in the Recovery Services Tasks window.

Perform a Partial Restore from a Restore Point

Recovery Services allows you to perform a partial restore of Intune policies or policies baselines from a restore point.

To perform a partial restore from a restore point:

  1. At the MSP level, navigate to Recovery Services.

  2. Locate the restore point you wish to restore.

  3. Expand the restore point.

  4. Select the category you wish to restore. For example, you can restore Global Policies.

  5. Optionally, filter the list for Changed only.

  6. Locate the item you wish to restore and select Restore.

  7. Alternatively, to restore multiple items, select the items you wish to restore and in the Select bulk action action menu, select Restore selected.

  8. Enter the following information:

    • Mode: Select Soft for the new data (for example, new versions, new assignments, etc.) not to be erased. Select Clean for the new data to be erased.

    • Restore: Select the items to restore.

      Note: The items to restore are specific to what you are restoring. For example, when you restore Global Policies, you can select assignments, versions, and/or tags.

  9. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

    The restore task starts.

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