Overview of Customer Account Home Page Shortcuts

Overview of Customer Account Home Page Shortcuts

Nerdio Manager's Shortcuts module allows you to customize shortcuts for Admin center URLs for your customer accounts. You can configure shortcuts for frequently used applications including Teams, Endpoint Manager, Microsoft Exchange, Security, Microsoft 365, Azure portal, along with other custom applications from your account's home page.

To add a custom link for your customer account:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to Home.

  2. In the Shortcuts tile, select the Customize Shortcuts gear icon.

  3. On Customize Shortcuts window, select Add shortcut.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Name: Type the name of the shortcut.

      Note: The out-of-box shortcuts can't be edited on this screen. You can only add, edit, or delete the remaining custom shortcuts. Nerdio Manager allows you to add up to 14 shortcuts in all.

    • URL: Type the name of the URL.

  5. Once you have entered all the desired information, select Save.

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