Intune: Policy Baselines
Nerdio Manager allows you to group your policies into a single baseline and specify the desired state for simplified initial deployment and more consistency across all your customer accounts.
Create a Policy Baseline
Nerdio Manager allows you to group your policies into a single baseline and specify the desired state for simplified initial deployment and more consistency across all your customer accounts.
To create a policy baseline at the MSP level:
In Nerdio Manager, at the MSP level, navigate to Policy Management > Policy baselines.
Select Add Baseline.
Enter the following information:
Name: Type the name of the policy baseline.
Description: Type the description.
Tags: Type or select the desired tag(s).
Once you have entered all the desired information, select Save.
Change Priority of a Policy Baseline
Nerdio Manager allows you to change the priority of a policy baseline.
Multiple policy baselines can apply to an account. The priority impacts how the policies in the baselines are processed.
Baselines are processed from top to bottom as they are displayed.
If the baseline is in Enforced state, the policies are assigned to the customer accounts and published if the sync type set to Auto.
If the baseline is in Report-only, Nerdio Manager evaluates if the actual state at the customer level aligns with the desired state as set in the baseline.
For any policy that has been processed (evaluated or published) by a higher priority baseline, enforcement by lower priority baselines is skipped. This prevents earlier high priority evaluations from becoming outdated.
Enforcing a policy includes the policy assignment to the customer, the sync type (manual/automatic), and desired version. Optionally, Nerdio Manager also evaluates if the policy has been assigned at the customer level.
Tip: You should try to avoid creating overlapping baselines. Any potential conflicts should be removed.
To change priority of a policy baseline:
In Nerdio Manager, at the MSP level, navigate to Policy Management > Policy baselines.
Select and hold the policy baseline's .
Drag and drop the policy baseline to the desired location to change the priority.
Assign Policies to a Policy Baseline
Nerdio Manager allows you to add policies to a policy baseline.
To assign policies to a policy baseline:
In Nerdio Manager, at the MSP level, navigate to Policy Management > Policy baselines.
Locate the policy baseline you wish to work with.
From the action menu, select Edit policies.
Select Add policies.
Select the desired policies and then select Add.
Review all the policies and select Apply and Close.
When prompted, select Confirm.
Assign Accounts to a Policy Baseline
Nerdio Manager allows you to add accounts to a policy baseline.
To assign accounts to a policy baseline:
In Nerdio Manager, at the MSP level, navigate to Policy Management > Policy baselines.
Locate the policy baseline you wish to work with.
From the action menu, select Assign.
Select Add assignments.
Enter the following information:
Select assignments: From the drop-down list, select the account(s).
Enforced/Report-only: Select whether to force policies in this baseline be applied to the account or not.
Add/Overwrite: Select whether to add the selected accounts to the existing assignments or overwrite the existing assignments.
Once you have entered the desired information, select Confirm.
Review all the accounts and select Apply and Close.
When prompted, select Confirm.
Manage Policy Baselines
Nerdio Manager allows you to manage policy baselines.
To manage policy baselines:
In Nerdio Manager, at the MSP level, navigate to Policy Management > Policy baselines.
Locate the policy baseline you wish to work with.
From the action menu, select any of the following options:
Assign: Manage the accounts that are assigned to the policy baseline.
Edit policies: Manage the policies that are assigned to the policy baseline.
Re-publish: Republish the assigned policies to the assigned accounts.
Clone: Clone the policy baseline.
Edit: Edit the policy baseline.
Remove: Remove the policy baseline.
Status: View the status of the policy baseline.
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