Nerdio Manager Support Outside of Current and Prior Version
To stay aligned with the rapid development of public cloud services, customers are expected to stay current with their deployment of Nerdio Manager. This not only provides customers access to the latest Nerdio Manager features and fixes, but also ensures continuous integration with core Azure, Azure Virtual Desktop, and other supporting services.
While operating within the current and prior two versions of Nerdio Manager, Nerdio provides standard support services, including bug fixes, in line with agreed SLAs. For example, versions X.2.0, X.1.1, and X.1.0 would be the current and prior two versions to meet the version requirements.
If operating with a version older than the current or the immediate prior version, Nerdio provides best-effort support. This excludes bug fixes.
If a bug or vulnerability is identified in the current or the immediate prior version of Nerdio Manager, Nerdio notifies customers through various channels, including a banner notification directly within the product console.
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