Import an Existing AVD Session Host VM as a Desktop Image

Import an Existing AVD Session Host VM as a Desktop Image

Note: It is not recommended that you use existing session hosts, where the AVD agent has already been installed, as a desktop image. If the session host VM was provisioned from an Azure managed image, then it is recommended that you import that image instead. See Import an Existing Azure Managed Image as a Desktop Image for details.

Warning: This process is not recommended for Entra-joined VMs.

If you do not have an existing Azure managed image, and want to proceed importing an existing session host VM as a desktop image, then follow these steps.

To import an existing AVD session host VM as a desktop image.

  1. Power off the VM.

  2. In the Azure portal, navigate to Settings > Disks.

  3. Select the OS disk and then select Disk Export.

  4. Select Generate URL.

    The URL is generated.

  5. Copy the generated URL to the clipboard.

  6. In Nerdio Manager, at the Account level, navigate to Desktop Images.

  7. Select Add from Azure VM.

  8. Enter the following information:

    • SAS URL: Paste the URL from the clipboard.

    • Join to AD: Unselect this option and provide the local admin credentials to be created on the imported VM.

    • Enter the information for the other fields. See Overview of Desktop Images for for detailed information.

  9. Once you have entered all the desired information, select OK.

    The desktop image import task starts.

  10. Once the import task finishes, power on the newly imported image.

  11. RDP to the VM with the local admin credentials previously created.

  12. Completely uninstall all traces of the AVD agent.

    • Remove it from Control Panel > Programs and Features. (Ensure that all components are gone after a reboot.)

    • Remove all traces from the registry (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\RD*), if any.

  13. From the action menu, select Power off & set as image.

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