Add a Cloud PC Account

Add a Cloud PC Account

After installing Nerdio Manager, you must create an account to set up and run a virtual desktop based IT environment for your customer. Generally, this would be a customer account, although you can also connect to and manage your own Azure tenant. This article walks you through the process of creating a Cloud PC based virtual desktop IT environment in Azure. For setting up an Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) based account, please see Add an Account for details.

The following are the prerequisites for adding an account:

  • Entra ID login to the customer's tenant, with Global Administrator and subscription Owner roles.

  • You must use an existing Active Directory. You need the domain name and an admin username and password

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To add a Cloud PC account:

  1. At the MSP level, navigate to Accounts.

  2. Select Add account.

    Step 1: Link to a Customer's Entra ID Tenant

  3. Enter the following Step 1. Link to Customer's Entra ID Tenant information:

    • Grant access to Entra ID Tenant: Select Connect. When prompted:

      • Review the required permissions.

      • Select Consent on behalf of your organization.

      • Select Accept.

    • Account Name: Type the account name for this customer's deployment.

      Note: Generally, this is your customer's organization name. This value can be changed later.

    • Desktop Deployment Model: Select Windows 365 Enterprise Cloud PC (MEM-managed).

    • Select subscription: From the drop-down list, select from the list of available Azure subscriptions in the Entra ID tenant.

      Note: Only subscriptions accessible to the currently signed in user are listed. That is, it is based on the user chosen when you selected Connect above.

    • Indicate your Active Directory setup: From the drop-down list, select Use existing Active Directory.

  4. Once you have entered all the desired Entra ID Tenant information, select Save & next.

    Note: Once you select Save & next, Nerdio Manager creates a service principal in your customer's Entra ID tenant. This may take a few minutes.

  5. Step 2: Networking

  6. Enter the following Step 2. Networking information:

    Note: This step allows you to create a new network or select an existing network. You are able to add additional networks and resource groups on the Settings page later, after you have finished adding the account.

    • Select Azure region: From the drop-down list, select the Azure region (location) where you would like to begin your initial deployment.


      • We generally recommend you select a region that is closest to the majority of your customer's users.

      • It is possible to link additional networks later and deploy resources to multiple networks and regions.

    • Select or create Resource Group: From the drop-down list, select an existing resource group. Alternatively, select Create new and type the new resource group's name.

      Note: This resource group is used for the initial deployment. You may link additional resource groups later.

    • Select network: From the drop-down list, select an existing network. Alternatively, create a new network if you are deploying a greenfield environment with a new Entra Domain Services.

    • For a New Network:

      • Network address space: Type the network's address space.

      • Subnet name: Type the network's subnet name.

      • Subnet address prefix: Type the network's subnet address prefix.

  7. Once you have entered all the desired Networking information, select Save & next.

    Note: Once you select Save & next, Nerdio Manager links to an existing network or creates a new network. This may take a few minutes. You can follow the progress of the provisioning task in the Account Provisioning Tasks section at the bottom of the page.

    Step 3: Active Directory

  8. Since you are connecting to an existing Active Directory, you must supply an admin username and password:

  9. Once you have entered admin username and password, select Save & done.

    The new account is setup is now complete. The new account is fully provisioned and listed on the Accounts page.

    Note: Once you select Save & next, Nerdio Manager securely saves the credentials to AD-join Cloud PCs as and when you assign Cloud PCs to users.

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