Troubleshoot Common FSLogix Issues

Troubleshoot Common FSLogix Issues

FSLogix has been challenging for many people, especially in the early days of AVD. We strongly recommend reviewing this article for a general overview of FSLogix.

The following article is a brief overview of FSLogix in Nerdio Manager, a few things that can commonly go wrong, and how to troubleshoot those issues.

How FSLogix Works

The understanding of the orchestration of FSLogix with profiles makes logical sense when you look at the pieces and parts that FSLogix puts together.

  • FSLogix services are part of every deployment done with Nerdio Manager.

  • Standard Configurations:

    • Users profiles are stored at a UNC path of your choosing or in Azure Files.

    • Additional FSLogix configurations are at your discretion.

Common FSLogix Issues

There are a number of situations that can cause the FSLogix profile redirection to fail. Here is a list of the most common ones. See Resolve FSLogix Issues for problem resolutions.

  • The user profile location cannot be accessed by the user who is signing in because of permissions issues.

  • The user profile location cannot be accessed because of DNS issues as a result of Hybrid AD being enabled and users not being able to resolve FS01 (needing to resolve instead).

  • An existing local profile prevents FSLogix from creating a new profile and the user continues signing in with the local profile.

  • The Profile VHD file is locked by another user session. This can often happen when a user has a disconnected session on another session host that keeps the profile file locked but AVD connection broker places the user on another host and is unable to map the profile.

Troubleshoot FSLogix Issues

  • There is no “local_%username%” folder in C:\users when the user is signed in. This means FSLogix isn’t working.

  • The date/time on the VHD file in the user profile location is not current. This means FSLogix is not mapping properly and changes are not being saved.

  • The Event Viewer FSLogix Operations log shows errors. Each error has a code and if you search the FSLogix codes you are able to identify the root cause.

  • Additional information is available in the logs. Find these in the pool host that serviced the users login attempt. For example:


  • Sign in to FS01 and check the permissions on the user's VHD file in User Profile Location\%Username%\Profile_%Username%.vhdx. Right click to check the security permissions.

  • For Nerdio Manager, see Troubleshoot FSLogix Profile Mount Errors for details.

Resolve FSLogix Issues

  • This is a permissions issue and the permissions should be set back to the default.

  • Update the registry entries on the pool template to point to \\ (or whatever the Nerdio AD FQDN is). There are two registry entries to change. Set the template as image and update existing hosts.

  • Remove the local profiles from the session host and/or template VM. Alternatively, implement the “delete local profile when it exists” registry entry on the template so FSLogix does that automatically.

  • Find the other session on another host and sign out. It is important to do this rather than just killing the file handle because there may be a RW VHD file that needs to be merged with the main profile. If the file handle is closed without signing out, then the RW file is discarded and some changes that user made may be lost.

  • Change the configuration on the global AVDSH00 template to not exclude Domain Admins from mapping FSLogix.

Recreate a User Profile

There are times where it may be necessary to recreate a user's profile. Assuming the default folder redirections are in place, recreating the profile does not delete the user's Desktop, Documents, or Favorites folders.

Warning: Any files saved elsewhere in the profile, and any profile customizations, are lost.

To recreate the user profile:

  1. Ensure the user signed out and the container unmounted.

  2. On FS01, navigate to E:\Profiles.

  3. Locate the user profile you want to recreate.

    Note: The full path to the profile container is E:\Profiles\%Username%\GUID_username\Profile_%Username%.vhdx.

  4. Delete the user profile. Alternatively, if deleting the user profile might pose a risk of data loss, move it to another location.

  5. Have the user sign in their desktop. A new profile container is created.

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