Scripted Actions - MSP-Level Variables
Nerdio Manager allows you to manage MSP-level Secure and Inherited variables.
Secure and Inherited variables can be used with both types of scripted actions: Windows scripts and Azure runbooks.
See Scripted Actions - Account-Level Variables for details about Account-level variables.
Secure Variables
Secure variables have the following key features:
Stored in the Key Vault.
Can be passed to MSP-level scripted actions using the $SecureVars.Variable_Name variable name.
Only available for scripted actions.
This feature is especially helpful if you want to pass sensitive information to a scripted action without passing it via clear text.
Inherited Variables
Inherited Variables Limitations
The following are the limitations of inherited variables.
Variable Names
20-character limit
Alphanumeric characters are allowed
Hyphens - are allowed
Underscores _ are not allowed
Special characters and punctuation are not allowed (for example, ~!@#$%^&*()[]{},.<>/?\|`)
Variable Values
Alphanumeric, special characters, punctuation, underscores, and hyphens are all allowed
Inherited variables have the following features:
Stored in the Nerdio Manager database.
Can be passed to MSP-level scripted actions, policies, and global apps using the $InheritedVars.Variable_Name variable name.
Environmental Variables
Environmental variables are retrieved from the customer environment.
Can be passed to MSP-level scripted actions and policies using the $EnvironmentalVars.Variable_Name variable name.
Environmental variables are retrieved from your customer environment, so you can't modify them here.
To manage MSP-level secure and inherited variables:
At the MSP level, navigate to Settings > Integrations.
In the Secure and Inherited variables for scripted actions tile, select the action (add, edit, or remove) you wish to perform.
To add or edit a global secure variable, enter the following information:
Name: Type the name of the variable.
Note: The variable name must be between 1 and 20 alphanumeric characters.
Value: Type the variable's value.
Variable type: Select the variable type.
Windows scripts: Optionally, from the drop-down list, select which Windows scripted action(s) the variable is passed to.
Azure runbooks: Optionally, from the drop-down list, select which Azure Runbook(s) the variable is passed to.
When you have entered the desired information, select OK.
To copy MSP-level variable names for Scripted Actions or Policy Configuration:
At the MSP level, navigate to Settings > Integrations.
Locate the variable you wish to copy.
Select the copy icon on the left side to copy the variable name for scripted actions.
Select the copy icon on the right side to copy the variable name for policy configuration.
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