Andre Buettner
Activity overview
NMM - API request to sync custom github repository
At the moment, we don't have the ability to make api calls to sync our custom git repo for our scripted actions. Would be great if this could be possible in a later product version of nmm. We need ...
Set Secure Variables to all Scripted Actions via Powershell (API)
we do have a need to set secure variables to all our customers (like DevOpsToken, Service User....) and bind them to all scripted actions via nmm API call with powershell, we already have a ...
Hi Dave,
our workaround is to declare a variable as you mentioned. Right now we only need the script name to log. When the scripted action is executed we create a folder on the session host with th...
Name of the running scripted action within the running action
Hello everyone,
we're looking for a way to get the name of the scripted action being executed into a variable within the script. In our case we need it for logging. Everything that works when the s...
- Total activity 11
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