Steve Hopler

Steve Hopler


Recent activity by Steve Hopler
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Use the UNC path to your Azure Files share instead of a mapped drive.  You can get that from the Azure files section for the client in Nerdio. 
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We have one client with a few NComputing RX420 thin clients.  We also have a few Dell Wyse thin clients I've been testing with.
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We have a client on AVD using UltraTax and it runs fine.  We do have a DC/file server VM though so I can't comment on how it would run if you are planning to use Azure Files storage for the data fi...
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I join our golden images to the domain, but I keep golden images for each client and do not use global golden images. I just checked one of our Lacerte installs and we are using the standard share ...
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Users will need read/write/modify permissions on C:\Lacerte and the shared file path (F:\Lacerte) If you run a web search for Lacerte on a Terminal Server, you'll find some recommended settings pub...
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At this point I can't find it, nor do I have time to keep going in circles.  I'll take 1 or 2 random disconnections a week vs multiple times a day. Our CSP and Microsoft were no help either.
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I install QuickBooks on our golden images.  Just need to make sure you add that to the list of programs that need to be kept updated on the golden image.
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Just an update, I did setup RDP Shortpath for this client and another one since and it works great.  These clients were complaining daily of connection issues and that pretty much stopped when RDP ...
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Yes, that is correct.  Make sure to install the server files to a network drive that both the server and golden image will have access to.
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For my clients, the workstation setup is installed on the golden image.
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