Travis Lamming

Travis Lamming


Recent activity by Travis Lamming
2 followers 4 comments 2 votes
VDOT scripted action - updated?
Hey guys, does anyone know how we could implement the updated Virtual Desktop Optimization tool to run with scripted actions? We've used the old one but I do not see any windows 11 specific scripte...
2 followers 0 comments 1 vote
feature request: Show disk Performance estimates when adding disks to servers
It would be nice if we could see what disk performance we should expect as we add disks to a server. As we know, disk performance is based on the disk you are buying itself as well as the server th...
2 followers 1 comment 2 votes
Location redirection
We've had requests from clients to enable location redirection from the local client. When they fill in addresses etc, they like the automatic location info. Right now, it will produce the location...
2 followers 1 comment 3 votes
New feature request - enable Disk performance plus for new disks
This looks like a new feature in preview over at MS, and lets you get more speed out of your new disks that are created that are 512GB and larger. Looks like the only way to do it now is via powers...
4 followers 4 comments 3 votes
Can we get an update pass on the scripted actions?
I've noticed that a few of the scripted actions are getting out of date. For instance, the Zoom VDI one still links to an older version. Is it intended that we go in and update the links ourselves?...
1 follower 0 comments 0 votes
Who's using the 20H2 scripted action? Worth it?
Is anyone using this scripted action? Seems to do a ton to gut things from the OS. I could see if you are using remoteapp's only that this might be useful, but what about for the desktop? Do you ha...
4 followers 4 comments 4 votes
Redirecting known folders to OneDrive with FSlogix, how to control space?
Guys, I cant get a good answer across the web on this one. Normally, when you redirect known folders to one drive, there are GPO's you can run that has storage sense go in and dehydrate files after...
3 followers 2 comments 2 votes
Forum structure
Is there any way we could have different forum tech? I think we arent getting posters here because the forum doesnt look like anything we are used to on the web. Reddit, or dedicated forum software...
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