Jan Scholte

Jan Scholte

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Jan Scholte commented,
Andrew Matt. So far I know this is still a thing when you encounter the error unfortunately
Jan Scholte created a post,
Scripted Actions Tip: Use $InheritedVars in StringArray supported Param
So I noticed when using a function in powershell and passing a string array as param from a $inheritedvar that these always gets wrapped between double quotes.So e.g. "Value1","Value2"Will turn int...
Jan Scholte commented,
Michael P. Good point a lot of the times this is one of the main reasons activation is failing because of some kind of forced tunneling solution is in place or other reason the Azure KMS server is ...
Jan Scholte commented,
Peter Yasuda So about the disks staying on HDD you could easily workaround this limitation by setting up an Automation Account or FunctionApp and convert the disks of the AVD hosts before you pre-s...
Jan Scholte commented,
DStephenson and Alwin Dijkstra I also wrote a specific version for the FSLogix Storage key add to Credential Manager: NMM-SE/Scripted Actions/New-SchTask_Add_AzFilesKey_FSLogix.ps1 at main · Get-Ne...
Jan Scholte commented,
Hi Alwin DijkstraFor easy deployment you can also use this template script to deploy a startup scheduled task with script content in one action. You can find the template here in the Sales Engineer...
Jan Scholte commented,
Also I recently added a easy script for deploying a scheduled task with script content in one action, the template can be found here in the Sales Engineers Github: NMM-SE/Scripted Actions/Template-...
Jan Scholte commented,
That is a way of doing it, or use the Powershell secret management module: Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement Module - PowerShell | Microsoft LearnAnd register a Azure keyvault as SecretVault so...
Jan Scholte commented,
Hopefully, this information helps, Jonathan Giraldo In addition to the steps discussed earlier, sometimes issues can arise from incorrect SSO settings, particularly when there’s an ADsync setup inv...
Jan Scholte commented,
Jonathan Giraldo yes you can clean those up, did you manage to fix the 1001 error this way ? 
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