Jim Verhulst | Venéco

Jim Verhulst | Venéco


Recent activity by Jim Verhulst | Venéco
1 vote
DStephenson a global setting would be preferred, that way, you can be sure that al the resources are deployed in the specific region or using the same timezone as the MSP using Nerdio. Personal pre...
3 votes
It will make monitoring the enviroment a lot easier. Especially if you can directly see, without having to open the workspace analytics: Logon time's; Brokering time's Logon error's; Logon locatio...
0 votes
Hi Marcos, Do you know when that feature would be in public preview?
0 votes
Hi Marcos, yeah after an NMM update the option was available but before that it wasn't possible to make such selections.
0 votes
Hi Gido,We only have the option to export to JSON or to print it.But we would like a similar .xlsx export function, like the Microsoft Pricing calculator.  
0 votes
Well the AVD Experience, only does the RTT based on your location, but that is only an estimate, most of the time the RTT of an AVD session (here in the netherlands at least) is lower then what the...
0 votes
How I see it is as followed, you can select between the light, medium, heavy and power users. Based on these guide lines from microsoft, you could say, well you have 10 employee's that are working ...
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