Jim Verhulst | Venéco

Jim Verhulst | Venéco


Recent activity by Jim Verhulst | Venéco
3 followers 1 comment 1 vote
Cost estimator: Golden image disk snapshots
it's possible in to set a golden image and keeping a certain amount of backup disks. we would like the option to calculate the amount of backup disks the golden image will have.
2 followers 4 comments 0 votes
Cost estimator: ethernet requirements customer location
the cost estimator knows how many users are going to use AVD. it would be nice that is also calculates the needed bandwith/latency based on the AVD bandwith requirements.(optional, but to select be...
2 followers 0 comments 0 votes
Cost estimator: Linux machines
the ability to change the vm operating license. if we add a linux firewall, the running cost is being calculated as a windows vm instead of a linux vm. We would like the option to change it.
2 followers 0 comments 0 votes
Cost estimator: more disk options
in the cost estimator it isn't possible to change the disk size to a S/E/P4. The lowest size possible is a S/E/P10. We have virtual appliances like firewalls that use a S4/E4. So we would like the ...
2 followers 0 comments 0 votes
Cost estimator: Servers running time
We would like to specify a specific running time, like you can do in the Mircosoft Pricing caluclator. Example: master images aren't running 24/7 but domain controllers are, so we would like to cha...
3 followers 2 comments 1 vote
Cost estimator: export to excel
an option to export the calculation to Excel. Now JSON is the only option. But we would like to see a similar export as the Microsoft pricing calculator does.
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