Add Several Missing Intune Policy Options to GitHub Integration

In testing, it appears the follwoing Intune policy types are available in NMM but are not in the list of available types to sync from GitHub. It would be good as a matter of consistency to have parity between the types of Intune policies available in NMM generally and the policies that can be synced via GitHub.

Section: Endpoint Security - Type: Windows Security Experience
Section: Endpoint Security - Type: Defender Update Controls
Section: Endpoint Security - Type: BitLocker
Section: Endpoint Security - Type: Local Admin Password Solution
Section: MAM Policies - Type: All
Section: Update Rings - Type: All

Comments (2 comments)

Dave Stephenson

Excellent call-out!
It would be good to be consistent between a GitHub repo and NMM repo.

Just to clarify, you're able to see all of the other types except the ones you listed, right?



Jacob Reinhardt

Dave, those are all I have discovered right now. If I find any more, I'll let you know. The overall documentation of various types of policies is difficult in Intune generally and it seems it has proved challenging to Nerdio too. I feel like it might be good to have a master list of all the major sections (i.e. compliance policies, configuration profiles, MAM policies, etc.) with all possible sub types too. The GitHib integrations seem to not map to the major sections but to sub-types.


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