Unable to login into microsoft product in AVD

I am losing my mind and if anyone has had the same issue that would be great. 

Recently a client is unable to use moder auth to login to Office products, Outlook, and other Azure products. I have been trying to get Microsoft to help but its been weeks of silence and asking for logs. I do see some errors with Microsoft.AAD.Broker plugin. when signing in it either just spins and never asks for the password or gives a 404 error. It seems like a reboot of the Hostpools temporarily fixes it for about a day or if no one logs in for about 48 hours.


Comments (1 comment)

Dave Stephenson

Welcome to the community, Will Serrahn 🙂!

That is a new one for me.
Generally, when we have partners having issues with logging-in to office products, we recommend enabling the RoamIdentity FSLogix option and that generally fixes the issues.

However, if you're still having problems, you're welcome to open a Nerdio Support ticket.
This is out of scope for our support team, but they can escalate the ticket to our MSP Escalations Team for them to look at the issue with you.
Sometimes, just having a fresh pair of eyes/a sounding board can make all of the difference. 🙂


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