Set as image Error handling API

In the console it is possible to configure error handling in the 'Set as image' screen.

I'm unable to find this option in the API documentation.
Does this feature will be included in the Nerdio API or is it something we need to build ourselves by acting on the return status of the job?


Comments (3 comments)

Dave Stephenson

I'm fairly certain we don't have anything in the API (currently), but you could likely setup a notification to send the details out to an API.
Would that do what you're wanting?
Alerts and Notifications – Nerdio Help Center (

Martijn Van Braeckel
(Edited )

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your reply.
The notification is indeed something very useful but as the job returns a failure, our pipeline will fail in general.

If you look into the console under 'Set as image' you have the option Error Handling (see below printscreen).

It would be nice and easy if these options can be controlled using some params in the request body of '​/rest-api​/v1​/accounts​/{accountId}​/desktop-image​/{subscriptionId}​/{resourceGroup}​/{name}​/set-as-image'.

Dave Stephenson

Ah, yes. It would be nice to add some extra functionality around the error handling.
Maybe something like the Auto-Heal options in the Auto-Scale settings where you could take action on an error?
And then, add the ability to do a custom API notification (similar to the Notifications) or the option to call it in the Nerdio API (like you mentioned).

Definitely a lot of unexplored possibilities.


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