Feature Comparison/Limitations Between NMM and NME

Good morning and TGIF.

After sitting in an AWESOME 2-day Nerdio Bootcamp in Philadelphia (Malvern), led by Ferranti Grantham and Mehdi Sebbane (who absolutely crushed those two days)...

I wanted to raise a request for a KB for a comparison of features and capabilities that differ between NMM and NME.

Some recent limitations have been brought to light that may only exist in NME and are not in NMM, and looking to be a knowledge leader for customers to educate them on any differences or platform limitations.

Thanks for the consideration!


Comments (2 comments)

Dave Stephenson

Welcome to the community, Will Fulmer 🙂!

That's great to hear you enjoyed our Training Camps.
I don't want to brag about our own team, but they really do an amazing job!

That's a great idea for a KB comparing the features of NMM vs NME.
I've submitted an internal request to get that created.

Once we have it, I'll come back here and comment on your post with the link to the KB so it's easier to find for other partners looking for the same thing.

We do have a rough draft of a comparison that I'll send your way.
It's a little out of date, but it does give a high-level comparison.
Feel free to reply back to the email and let me know if you're looking for something different.

Brian Stetson

This will be not only helpful in educating customers and hopefully leading to more NMM customer on boardings, but also great for suggesting features that work well in NME that are not available in NMM.


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