Are Temp Disks Worth the Cost?

I'm not sure if anyone saw this video over the weekend, but Nerdio's Neil McLoughlin did a great job showing why paying a little more for an Azure VM SKU with a temporary disk included can actually cost you less in the long run.




Comments (2 comments)

Johnny Lambert

hi Dave Stephenson,
Love the link to the video. Question I have is, other than for the Page file, is there any other thing you have seen used on the temp disks? For E8...v5, the disk is 200GB so do you see the PAGE file being increase in size or the disk used for any other non-persistent caching?

Dave Stephenson

Thanks, Johnny. 
Neil does a great job on his videos, and I've always been of the belief that "knowledge is meant to be shared" 🤓

I haven't had too many partners/customers utilize VMs with temp disks for session hosts, but plenty who have used them for SQL servers.
The temp disk is a great repository for temporary SQL files.

For a session host, you could utilize the temp disk as a replacement for an OS data disk (see Ephemeral OS Disks – Nerdio Help Center) or move downloads to be on that disk to save some space on the profile disk.

I have seen some reports of people using it for crash dump logs for applications, but nothing definitive like "this is the best use for the temp disk".
I think it ultimately comes down to what works best for you and the customer.



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