Highlight accounts that differ from the norm

Looking for a way to highlight accounts that differ from the norm for our techs.

Something like this:
Normal setup - default background
Uses Entra ADDS - light blue background
Extra steps needed after reimage - light red background


Comments (5 comments)

Amol Dalvi

Hi Michael - this isn't exactly the same as what you are suggesting, but there is a way to add Notes to an account. See screenshot below:

Michael Lenahan

That is useful, it just does not pop out at you making you aware there is something different about this client.

Thank you for that suggestion though, I completely forgot about it.

Dave Stephenson
(Edited )

I could see how that would be a useful feature.

If you were going to implement your idea, would you want it so you could set a custom banner at the top of the client?
Or, are you thinking of applying a completely different theme for each client?

I could see both being useful, but I also see a problem if you give one of your customers access to Nerdio and you potentially have a banner/color scheme that they don't want.

Would you want it so only people with MSP permissions would see the colors/banner?

As another bandaid, you could put a colored box around the account logo before you upload it in NMM so they can easily see the difference between the accounts. It's not going to give you "exactly" what you're wanting, but between that and Amol's suggestion, could that work as a workaround/bandaid for now?


Michael Lenahan

I am just mainly looking to have the background of the client, say your Elite client the list, to have a light blue background instead of the white one. This could be controlled from the section you make when choosing the AD connections, it could just be an option in the theme colors.

I do like the banner at the top as well, if other give access to clients, could it be setup by role definition's. Default would be all roles except End User.

For now I can do the box around the logo and the notes.

Dave Stephenson

I'm glad the workarounds we provided will work (well enough) for now. 🙂

I can see how having a different background/theme per Identity type could be useful, but like you said, having the ability to do a custom banner when there's something unique about the customer or a major headline that your team needs to be aware of (i.e. ABC Company recently upgraded their ERP software over the weekend. Be sure you're connecting to the correct host pool when troubleshooting.) could be equally as useful.




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