Please update notification webhook payloads or Job endpoint to include pertinent device data (REST)


We're trying to integrate Nerdio into our PSA and automation stack, and ideally put together an auto-resolve solution for some of the alerts we receive.

As it stands, we've been relying on emailed notifications to our service desk.

I was working to put together a replacement to these emails using the webhook payloads and API endpoints available to us, but we've hit the wall that is the lack of any device data being communicated or accessible with what is provided to us:

Where the email does contain device info, this payload doesn't give us any. Even querying the Job via API doesn't expose any of that valuable device data -- whether it is an ID or just a hostname -- that would really help us out.

Please update the payloads to include some of this data!


Comments (5 comments)

Dave Stephenson

Welcome to the community, Jonathan 🙂!

That's a great suggestion.
I can see how being able to pull the device info (even if it's just the name) through the API would be helpful.

Are there any other useful fields/data that would be helpful in an auto-open/auto-close scenario?
Or another use-case of how you're looking to automate the integration to the NMM API that would help other partners up-vote this request?


Hey Dave Stephenson

Honestly, I am wary to recommend anything too overt because I am unfamiliar with how things are being built or arranged on Nerdio's side, but if there was some way to correlate these actions being taken to whatever ultimate goal they are trying to accomplish, it would be awesome. Currently we're only receiving these alerts for errors -- we don't get notifications for when things run smoothly, so it's hardly an option to implement an auto-close when we see a successful "StopSessionHostVM" on a given device after it fails every 5 minutes for 2 hours. Maybe we can auto-close by checking device state and, if it's stopped, we dismiss any alert related to that aforementioned action... But, again, that feels like it would be dependent on an ability to understand what device we are trying to check against, based on these alerts.

I've just reached out to my teammate, who would like to add that it would be incredibly valuable if the Nerdio REST API exposed information like the hostpool, workspace, and target entity. "When the download endpoint gives so much information, you'd think the REST API would as well." Many of these points would allow us to directly incorporate the MS Graph API, rather than having to figure it out from the hostname alone. "/api/v1/accounts/{account_id}/jobs/download provides a lot of great info but it's not easily automated for our purposes."

Dave Stephenson

Thanks, Jonathan. This is great information!
The forums are a great place to let your ideas soar. (Don't hold back)
No matter how obscure or niche you think it might be, generally someone else can come along, help define/refine it and make it into something truly awesome!

Hopefully other partners see it, get inspired, and add their own use-cases so the priority is raised. 🙂

Rick Heemskerk

Just found this post while searching for Nerdio PSA integration. We have the same goal as Jonathan. E-mail notifications need to be administratively closed which is a pain.
I am going to make some API calls to see if it suits our needs. Will update.

Rick Heemskerk

Created another feature request:
Get all job IDs – Nerdio Help Center


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