Is there a maximum practical size for FSLogix profiles? Specifically in Premium Azure Files shares, if it matters. I thought I had heard that overly large profiles could cause problems, but I really can't find anything solid. Is anyone running 50 GB profiles? 100 GB? More?
Maximum size for FSLogix profiles?
Following because I am curious too.
This is something I've been curious about, as well.
As far as I have been able to find, the answer is "No, but it depends".
FSLogix FAQ - FSLogix | Microsoft Learn
From what I've noticed, if the FSLogix profile fills-up to the limit that's set, that's where you get performance issues.
I saw this with a customer who had ALL of their email set to download (because of a GPO) and filled-up a 50GB FSLogix profile in less than a day... 👻
But, as long as there's plenty of room for additional files, it doesn't appear to be an issue.
However, as with most things "Less is More".
The more they have, the more storage space it takes, the longer it takes to backup/restore, and the more money it costs. 🤑
Using the Nerdio Shrink FSLogix Profiles Azure Runbook can help out with the running out of space issues, but you may want to pair that with the Warn users who are low on disk space GPO/Intune Policy to help them have a visual indication that they're running out of room and storage "doesn't grow on trees". 🤣
Thanks for the warn users tip - we should do that. This started because a user reported a lot of strange issues, and it was because she was out of space. They're using a data analysis package, and had been syncing over 100 GB per person from a shared Dropbox. I haven't figured out if there is a way they can use some kind of shared space (SharePoint would be the first choice). Otherwise, I've only had experience with the 30 GB default. I am going to raise the limit for our internal developers to 50 GB, but that hasn't happened yet.
I think I'll start a new thread: What's your largest FSLogix profile? And did it cause problems?
I asked Nerdio support; Chuck replied 10 min later:
Ultimately this would be a question for Microsoft support, but we have seen customers with profiles as large as 100GB. We would recommend though reviewing what is consuming this space as it may be a large Outlook (OST) file and there are performance issues with largers OSTs, but not specifically large FSLogix containers. Hopefully this helps.
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