In this FAQ, we’ll review the steps to create host pools and session hosts in secondary regions. We will also review the steps to replicate desktop images to secondary regions in Nerdio Manager. Please be aware that creating additional resources in secondary regions will incur additional cost.
You may consider creating host pools in a secondary region if:
- You have workers in different regions and want to solve for latency.
- You want to increase regional availability/Your preferred region is running low on your preferred storage and compute resources.
Step 1 (recommended): Create a new Resource Group in a secondary region to store all your new resources.
- From the customer account level, expand the Settings blade > Azure.
- Link the new Resource Group at the customer account level in the Linked Resource Groups table.
Step 2: Create vNet in Secondary region.
Create a vNet in the secondary region Resource Group.
- Note: The vNet created in the secondary region will automatically link to Nerdio Manager via the Resource Group.
- Note: If you’re peering vNets, be conscious of overlapping address ranges.
- If using a domain controller, ensure the DNS IP of this new vNET is pointed to your domain controller IP.
Step 3: Replicate your desktop image to the secondary region via Azure Compute gallery. See this article ( for more details on Desktop Images in Nerdio Manager.
- Run the Set As Image Task:
- Enable Azure Compute Gallery
- Note: New Azure Compute Galleries can be created via the ‘Set as image’ task in Nerdio Manager or if you have an existing Azure Compute Gallery configured, you can select it during this task.
- Select both the source and secondary region in the ‘Azure Regions’ field.
Step 4: : Create Host Pool in the secondary region & deploy the hosts. See this article ( for details on creating host pools and session hosts in Nerdio Manager.
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