API Request: get "User who Ran" from job/{id}/tasks or send that from the webhook in Condition action

Current issue is the Condition doesn't send the User who ran the task.

    "body": {
        "AccountId": 20,
        "ActionId": 2,
        "ConditionId": 5,
        "Job": {
            "Id": 188281,
            "AccountId": 20,
            "CreationDateUtc": "2024-05-19T18:22:40.3736952+00:00",
            "JobType": "UpdateAutoScaleRestrictionSessionHost",
            "JobStatus": "Completed",
            "JobRunMode": "Default"

I then send that data to parse the task but still cant get a "user who ran" 

    "id": 2027249,
    "creationDateUtc": "2024-05-19T18:22:50.444187",
    "name": "Get host VM",
    "description": "",
    "status": "Success",
    "resultPlain": "Success\r\n"
    "id": 2027251,
    "creationDateUtc": "2024-05-19T18:22:50.679072",
    "name": "Update auto-scale restriction tags",
    "description": "",
    "status": "Success",
    "resultPlain": "Update tags for vm bb-avdp-a-5\r\nCurrent number of tags 3\r\nNumber of tags to update 1\r\nNew 'WAP_SCALE_IN_RESTRICTION' tag with value '2024-05-19T19:22;UTC'\r\nSuccess\r\nTags on VM bb-avdp-a-5 are updated\r\n"

Comments (3 comments)

Kevin Murray

Great feedback Justin.  Identity is very important to process, and I can see where you are going here.  I will bring this to the product team and will look at some potential work arounds for you.

Carl Long

Justin Trantham - Moving this item to our Feature Request section to ensure our devs can review.

Gido Veekens

Hi Justin Trantham. Yes, I agree this is a great suggestion. At first glance it seems like an easy add to what's already available. I've added it to the roadmap for an upcoming release. Thank you!!!


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