Using an Azure Marketplace image to test AVD provisioning

Having issues adding a host from your customized image?  You can run a quick test to see if your problem lies within your image or if you're running into something more environmental (Policy, Directory config, DNS, etc.).   Here's how this can be done via Nerdio Manager for MSP:

Navigate to your hostpool and click "manage hosts":


From here you'll be able to add a host:


Choose a VM size (this can be a small size just to test provisioning) and choose an Azure Marketplace image:


This will attempt to add a fresh host using a "Vanilla" image directly from Azure's repository.  This is a great technique to troubleshoot AVD host provisioning errors to help confirm if the error is specific to your image.  If deployment is successful, you'll want to review your custom image.  If this fails, you can move focus from your custom image to something broader in the environment.  Hopefully this helps, and as always, feel free to reach our support for Nerdio support cases at

Thank you,

Chuck M


Comments (1 comment)


I love it! Quick, simple, and effective way to see if your custom image is causing an issue or if it's an environment problem.
Thanks for sharing, Chuck!


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