New Columns in Host Pools

When you are managing a host pool, I think it would be helpful if there was a column to show whether a host is excluded from autoscale or not.  This would be helpful accounts where there are other admins, who may not notice, and start hosts that should be left powered off. The only way to see this currently is to actively go to the "Exclude from autoscale" menu.


Also, a description column would be cool to have when managing host pools, so for example if you have deactivated/excluded a host from autoscale, you can add a description that your fellow admins can see so they know why it was done.


Comments (2 comments)


Very solid ideas!

I think the comment column at the host level makes a lot of sense.
As our company continues to grow, there are more and more hands involved with Nerdio and one person making a change could take a lot of back and forth asking why they made the change.

Maybe add a comment field to the Exclude from Auto-Scale wizard?
With that, someone could hover over to see the time-frame around the Auto-Scale exclusion and a comment as to why the host is excluded.

Bryan Colon

Adding a comment section to exclude from auto-scale menu may be good too, but I can see people putting in too much information there for something that should fit in a column. I was thinking more like what we see in the Desktop Images page, where you can put short and sweet notes in it, but the dev team can figure that out I suppose.

And again,  another separate column titled something like "Auto Scale Status" or something, so you don't have to dig through the menu to check the status.... which may or may not have a comment depending on the administrator.


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